Kartika at Vrindavana

Hare Krishna.

4th November

It was wonderful to have Guru Maharaj at our home on the Diwali eve, nothing but causeless mercy. I slept late on 3rd night but we all got  up early to leave for Vrindavan with Guru Maharaj.

As usual Guru Maharaj was up and running early morning. We had a wonderful Q & A Session with Guru Maharaj clearing so many doubts of devotees. We left around 7.50am and were in Vrindavan Dham by 11am. Guru Mahraj entered the gates of MVT  to a  tumultuous welcome by the devotees. We later took darshan of Their Lordships, they looked more gorgeous and affectionate than ever, as always.

Entering MVT

The next 3 day were spent as if I was on a different plane altogether.

We, me and Sumeet Prabhu, started with darshan of Guru Mahraj at his apartment, then it was time for the Govardhan Puja, the temple compound was decked up beautifully. We watched the beautiful annnakut preparations and so many Bhoga offerings to Sri Giriraj. We took the parikarma and were blessed with prasadam after almost every round. There was festivity all around.

Giriraj Maharaj ki jai !

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I later met wonderful devotees from Surat, also HG Nanda Maharaj Das from Chandigarh, then I had lunch prasadam at Guru Maharaj’s apartment. Guru Maharaj met everyone again  in the evening. Later we went to listen to HH Radhanath Maharaj at Fugla Ashram. I saw Maharaj for the first time but it seemed I had seen him many a times, of course, watching so many of his videos earlier. He spoke with so much `bhava’ about Krishna’s pastimes and specially Govardhan Lila. Later Radhanath Maharaj did Kirtan and then Guru Maharaj sang Damodar Ashtakam, the whole complex danced with spiritual potency. We bought some CDs of Maharaj’s lectures. Once the lecture was finished and we were waiting outside, but inside the ashram, for the crowd to disperse. we saw Radhanath Maharaj coming in our direction. Sumeet Prabhu commented ` today I will touch his feet, come what may’. I was a little scared. But he pushed me closer to where HH Radhanath Maharaj was walking. As Maharaj stopped in front of us we both touched the soil, touched by his lotus feet. Hari, Hari !

HH Radhanath Maharaj Ki Jai !


Tuesday : I had the good fortune to attend Mangal Arti, Mangal Arti darshan are always special for me, I can’t pick a finger on the reason but there is something special about Mangal Arti darshan. I  did my rounds in the temple and later at Prabupada’s house. Among many other things, HG Sankarshan Das Adhikari taught  me two special instructions

1. To attend samadhi Arti whenever possible

2. To chant my rounds at Srila Prabhupada’s house.

Both these instructions have helped me a lot.

Evening was very special as I went to take darshan of  HH Radha Govind maharaj. His apartment was so simple, like his very own self. I paid my obeisances and told him how much I love him and I listen to his sweet lectures every day since last 4 months, he has changed me. He heard me patiently, nobbed and I got prasadam from his hands. I would definitely go and meet him again and again and again.

HH Radha Goving Maharaj ki Jai !

In the evening Guru maharaj first gave an excellent on his pastimes with Srila Prabhupada’s at Vrindavan, and later in the evening he made the whole temple dance with his melodious kirtan from 7pm-8pm. I was filled to the core with spiritual energy.


Wednesday :  I attended Srila Prabupada’s arti and the mangal arti. Later I met Gaurav Prabhu after a long gap, it was so good to meet him, he is progressing very well in his sadhna bhakti. We both missed association of Subir Prabhu.

There was an excellent morning Bhagavatam lecture at an early time of 6am by H.G Badrinarayan Prabhu. Then it was a occasion to take Srila Prabhupada to all the six Goswami temples in Vrindavan.  By the mercy of Lord, I got the service to carry Srila Prabhupada’s in his Palanquin. I felt very close to Srila Prabhupada, I was carrying my grandfather all around. Then HH Gopal Krishna Goswami maharaj came and to put a cherry on the cake Guru Maharaj did sankirtan till Radha Damodar temple, My day was made, indeed one of my best days in Vrindavan Dham. Many people paid obeisances to Srila Prabhupada on our way. Thank you so much Srila Prabhupada for allowing me to participate in your procession.


I met a very gentle soul in the procession and I will write about her separately.

After reaching back I got the good association of Vineet Prabhu and later Murari prabhu, both from Jaipur. Is is always a pleasure to meet both of them, they are knowledgeable, humble and very affectionate.

In the evening we had darshan of Guru Maharaj  and then Guru Maharaj sang Gopi Geet to a packed house Balaram House.

As I was offering deep daan with Priti I virtually rubbed my eyes as I saw Karuna Prabhu and then HG Rukmini Krishna Prabhuji. It was so good to see him. Hari, Hari ! What more can one ask in a single day.

I left the same evening back to Gurgaon with a heavy heart. Who would wish to leave Vrindavan in Kartik and the association of so many devotees.

Kartik maas ki Jai !

Vrindavan Dham Ki Jai !

Srila Prabhupada ki Jai !

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